Private Classes
Personalized childbirth education is a great option for those who have previously completed a group class and simply need a refresher course, more time on a topic or simply can’t fit a group class into their busy schedule. Some clients also find the nature of the individual class better suits their needs.
Most couples schedule the minimum 3 hour teaching session - $350. After reviewing the list of topics, select the material to be covered and determine the number of class sessions to schedule with a Birth Help educator.
"Enjoying our childbirth class on our schedule was so convenient, and Rene' taught us just what we needed to know. My husband appreciated the privacy an individual class offered."
Topics include:
Your pregnant body
When to call your midwife/OB
Stages and phases of labor
Relaxation, visualization, and breathing techniques
Medical procedures/interventions
Cesarean section
Birth preferences (birth plan)
Comfort measures & positions for labor and birth
Understanding childbirth pain
Medication for labor and birth
Partner support
Labor and birth videos
The private class fee is $350 and includes phone/email contact with your instructor to discuss your chosen topics, instructor planning time, and 3 hours of instruction.
Refund Policy The class fee, less a $40 administrative fee, will be issued until 10 days before the beginning date of any class. Refund requests must be in writing via email.